Al fakher tobacco; the ambrosia of heaven

Smoke Fun
7 min readOct 1, 2021

Few things came from heaven and catered to humankind for their betterment. Some came to enhance, and some came to give entertainment. Al fakher tobacco is one of them. From its inception in the Middle East, it has become as famous as Beyonce. The flavor, the taste, and the authenticity are beyond description, and it always caters to the need of hookah lovers. Therefore, it is almost inevitable that the product will dominate the hookah industry for the next few decades and serve millions of hookah lovers.


Al Fakher is one of the top brands in the market, and there are good reasons for this uprising. This Middle Eastern tobacco is catering to the need of deepest desires of hookah lovers so that they enjoy their life with a comprehensive vision of it. Although it started in the Middle East, tobacco is now serving millions in Europe and the USA. In the USA market, tobacco almost captured many users and grew like a weed day by day. It will be soon enough for tobacco to capture the market and put the domination in mode.

What’s in it?

Before signing into the alfakher tobacco, hookah lovers need to learn about all the necessities of smoking. The authentic taste of it derives the name of ‘ambrosia or nectar of heaven.’ There are reasons that tobacco is so famous. But before diving into that material, hookah lovers must understand the expectations from smoking.

Blending and mixing

Al fakher tobacco is the finest among all the tobaccos, and it is for blending and mixing. So before inhaling the tobacco, hookah lovers should learn everything about the tobacco itself. There are primarily two mixings available in the market for millions of hookah lovers: the fruit mix and the mint flavor. But the tobacco is catering to the combination of both these mixing and urging all hookah lovers to crave it.


In alfakher tobacco, the best part to look forward to is the duration of it. Longevity has never been a problem for tobacco. With a duration of almost 1.5 to 2 hours, it gives the best service to hookah lovers and always creates the urge for more inhaling. The longevity of tobacco is far more superior to its previous versions. Those who want to dive into the most profound hookah sessions and forget all worries of life can opt for this tobacco.

Buzz and the effects

Smoking is directly linked to the nervous system. It releases a hormone called dopamine, and it kicks the best buzz inside human beings. Tobacco is quite good at the buzz because it can be measured, and it is not as harmful as the other smoking devices. That is the reason smokers and hookah lovers are falling in love with the al fakher tobacco.

Some hookah lovers love to take the smoke slowly, and some love the strong buzz. Tobacco caters to both these parties. For beginners who are just commencing their journey and those who have dealt almost with everything- both can use the smoking and enjoy their gatherings with friends on a perfect Sunday evening.

Why is it so famous?

Al fakher tobacco is one of the finest in the hookah world. But, hookah lovers often ponder this question that why is it so famous? It is crucial to recognize the nature of the hookah industry and its perks. To understand, it is crucial to delve into the material. Here are some reasons for the tobaccos famousness.

‘Leaf’ it or leave it.

To get the robust taste of the tobacco and get buzzed instantly, the company needs to choose the leaf very, very carefully. The tobacco company caters to millions of hookah lovers and does this with authenticity. The leaf they choose is the Virginia leaf. It is dried and Flue-cured by the open-air bar process. It is also used to get the rustiness of the leaf so that when the flavors are added to it can maintain its exotic taste.

There is another catch here, though. Al fakher tobacco doesn’t contain any nicotine. So those who are health conscious and will not sacrifice their lungs in return for entertainment can opt for tobacco. Some tobacco leaves contain nicotine, but its percentage (0.08%) is negligible and quickly eradicated.

al fakher

Cloud output

The tobacco and hookah industry is flocking with items that do not produce sustainable smoke. The cloud output is not something that every hookah lover will love to have. However, the cloud and the smoke create the environment of heaven in the hookah session. That is the reason why alfakher tobacco caters to this need of the hookah lovers. Because of the low percentage of nicotine, the tobacco is not heavy and produces the most refined cloud output among all the other tobacco brands.

Exotic taste

Lastly, it is inevitable to say that the taste of the tobacco is exotic. However, the tobacco taste is essential to sustain its reputation in the hookah market and grow the product into a brand.

However, the tobacco company is doing research and creating new tastes or flavors so that the cravings of hookah lovers will be intact and they can take a solid position in the market. Because of the authentic taste, the demand for al fakher tobacco is increasing day by day and will increase in upcoming years.

Flavors to taste

Alfakher tobacco has plenty of flavors, and they are enough to overwhelm the hookah lovers. It is proven that not only does the tobacco company caters to authentic taste, they also create the like in their customers for new things.

Double apple flavor

Double apple or two apple flavor is the best and most selling flavor of tobacco, and it has sustained the market for the last few years as well. The juicy flavor has an aftertaste that is embedded in the fruit itself. In addition, the flavor is a mixture of red and green apples. With the double apple, hookah lovers can expect double fun in their desired hookah session.

Watermelon flavor

Al fakher tobacco and their fruit flavors are fantastic to taste. They also created some of the taste in their loyal customers by deliberately giving them the flavors. Watermelon flavor is one of them. The fruit blast and the aftertaste are so refreshing that it is the first preference for many hookah lovers, especially in the summer. Besides, the beach with the watermelon flavored hookah on a Sunday afternoon is the dream for all hookah lovers.

Mint flavor

Before the mint of the tobacco company, other flavors look like ‘kit de depart.’ But, for all the hookah lovers, mint flavor is the ultimate flavor, and they enjoy it the most. It has the best aftertaste, among other flavors, and creates the most delicate buzz among hookah lovers. There are several mint-flavored tobaccos available in the market, and they cater to the desires of hookah lovers. A hookah with mint flavor and a chilled evening is the dream that comes true for the hookah lords.

Blueberry mint flavor

Among the mint flavor, there are two favorites of hookah lovers. One is chocolate chips mint flavor, but many hookah lovers do not use that flavor anymore due to extra cholesterol and health consciousness. The other one, though, is quite famous and gaining momentum in the hookah market. Over a few years, al fakher has produced the new flavor of blueberry mint that can form the cult for itself. The authentic delicacy and aftertaste of the taste leave hookah lovers in awe.

Cappuccino flavor

Love and hookah are particularly unique combinations to breathe. Love couples longing for their partners to come to them can find this excuse for a romantic date. It is very subtle to have the hookah at the same time as having fun with the partner. Cappuccino flavor gives that luxury to all the power-couples willing to have fun during the hookah session.

There is another catch here, though. In cappuccino flavor, caffeine is used, and it is highly addictive. That is the reason the buzz this flavor can create is unparallel to any other taste. Because of the heavy buzz it starts, it is recommended by many household names of the hookah industry to use the tobacco in intervals and give time to get the inhalant portion to sink in.



In the hookah industry, al fakher is one of the oldest and authentic caterers. They have been serving hookah lovers for an extended period of time, and it helps the market generate income and solidify the position. It will be wise enough to admit that tobacco is growing like a weed in the modern hookah market and creating its brand value. The next generation or the generation Y may not be interested in the subtle pages of the history of this particular product, but they will be interested in its authentic taste.

Al fakher tobacco flavor will dominate the hookah market for the next several years, and it will cater to the need of millions of hookah lovers in an instant. The tobacco company will be at the top of the food chain and cater to the condition of hookah lovers.



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